Robert 29th October 2017

Hey Joker, How is my angel in heaven? Let me start with an apology for the rough 2 days and night that I had! I know I shouldn't be hurting myself especially when you are watching over us all from heaven! But then the lie of pacifying oneself doesn't last long and the pile up took a toll of such magnitude for which I was just not prepared. As much as I like to promise you not to hurt myself but involuntarily if it happens then please forgive me. I still have no clue as to how strong of a bond I share with you darling. I guess in this lifetime I can't measure it or even term it. But Jesus knows how much I miss you because it doesn't matter where I am, I always keep you in my heart and that is where you will reside forever baby! They say time heals everything but time cannot erase what is so pure about my Joker! Remembering your innocence, your laughter, your love, your petty fights, your concern, your love! Remembering you! Today and forever! Yobert loves you so much Joker! All my love and kisses to my Angel! Rest in peace darling! #MyAngelInHeaven #YobertLovesJoker